Thursday, October 6, 2011

What have I been cooking...?

When I started this blog, I wasn't sure what I wanted it to be about...see I have a tendency to start typing and don't know how to stop - and then I usually do stop cos I start writing about one topic and end up babbling on and on about everything else and forget what it was I started writing about...kinda like what I'm doing right now lol.

Anyway, one of my great ideas, was to keep this blog focused on the cooking/baking that I do...mostly so that when my kids have grown up and flown the nest not that I'm counting down the days of course!! at least they would have my wonderful blog to refer back to when they wanted to cook something that I had made then in the past :)  Only problem is, that most if not ALL my cooking is done by 'eye balling' the measurements and by 'taste' so I don't really have 'SET' recipes I just know what I want to make or create and go from there :)

So anyway, in the mean time when I have remembered, I have taken the camera out and taken pics of what I've been cooking, with all intentions to blog about what I made that day BUT I find it really difficult to find the time to sit down with TWO FREE HANDS and blog.  My little miss is taking ALL my attention and my hands seem to always be full with here are a few of the pics of what I have cooked recently...

First I'd like to start off with my attempt at pai fala (recipe courtesy of Panipop's blog).  LOVE that blog!  I'm more of a 'cook' than a 'baker'.  My mum CAN bake - but she isn't in the same country as I am and she wasn't really one to do 'mum and daughter' baking sessions when I was growing up lol...and now she's blind...well...she doesn't do much baking LOL.  *LOVE YOU MUM*

SO thank you Panipopo's kitchen!! This was my first attempt at making them, so my apologies for the wonky shape...I'm sure I'll improve with time lol and my waist line will improve and grow too sigh!!

I made one significant change to the pastry, I replaced the coconut cream for milk...lite blue even lol.  I just thought the coconut cream would have been way too rich and harsh on my ever expanding waistline, next time I might try adding some desiccated coconut into the pastry (warm the desiccated coconut up in the milk, allow to cool then add to the dough...oka... Mmmm)


Oh man...this one my whole tribe LOVE!!  And who wouldn''s comfort food from heaven!
It's a great recipe to feed the masses.  It's one of my 'flash budget meals'.

Everything made from scratch.  I manage to sneak in grated carrots and other veges believe it or not lol which the kids don't even realise are in there, so don't complain!
 Layers of pure
 Into the oven...

 et voile!

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