amen to that!! I've been reading a few blogs lately and quietly sat here in the comfort of my lounge envious of the lives some people live. It's made me sit back and look at my own life...surely there are lots of things I SHOULD be greatful for right? And yep...I was right. I have a great life too...well, aspects of my life are great - like my title says, no one's life is perfect :)
This is my thought today as I read the online edition of the Samoa Observer. A lady that I don't know personally - although I have met her a couple of times when I rented a car off her while on holiday in Samoa a few years ago - that was the first time I had met her and heard of her, or knew who she was. My impressions of her were that of a really nice, friendly, genuine, easy going and attractive woman. Since then I have seen her mentioned in the Samoa Observer a few times, for the great things she's involved in, in Samoa. She's a mother, and I bet she's a great mother too, to her kids! She's a business woman. Successful one at that. I admire her for her success as a business woman. She seems involved in so many things AND she's a mother - how does she find the time to juggle it all and still come out on top??
Well this is the second time I have read in Samoas national newspaper, of the 'down side' of being her...yep, as successful a mother and business woman she is...she appears to be married to a real FARKWIT!! I read of her assult by him a few years ago and wondered then WHY on earth a REALLY successful woman would put up with shit like that...and now I read of it again...(ok so it's alledged at this stage *rolls eyes*)
Read about it here - gotta love Samoan reporting!!
And can you imagine how many times it's happened that did NOT make the news?? And hello...her husband is supposed to be some hot shot has been rugby player! Wow - great role model he is for the up coming youth of Samoa!!